AI vs. Human Intelligence: Can They Coexist at Work?

Humans and AI have different strengths and weaknesses, each excelling in specific areas. AI performs repetitive tasks accurately and processes data quickly, while humans excel in creativity, complex decision-making, and emotional intelligence. Combining both enhances productivity and efficiency. AI can automate routine tasks, enabling humans to focus on strategic activities. Despite concerns about job displacement, AI is expected to create more jobs than it replaces, augmenting human capabilities and fostering a collaborative workplace environment. Integrating AI responsibly ensures improved outcomes and efficiency.

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It’s exciting to see humans as undisputed winners when comparing ourselves with AI. However, depending on the situation, AI and humans have different strengths and weaknesses. In some aspects, humans would prove better, while in other activities, AI would have the upper hand. 

In this article, we’ll compare AI and humans and understand their key differences. We’ll also go through the fundamentals to explore how to use the best of both in the workplace. 

What is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence is a technology that allows computers to simulate human intelligence, solve problems, or perform various functions. It has many use cases in the industry.

Machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing (NLP) are a few of the technologies often mentioned in discussions around AI. These technologies make AI systems capable of simulating human intelligence. Machine learning allows systems to learn from the data they process. Deep learning models are based on a human’s decision-making process. 

Lastly, natural language processing allows systems to understand, process, and generate output in human language. For example, an AI system listens to a meeting and generates a meeting minutes report automatically. 

If you’re in tech or any profession with some AI exposure, you have likely encountered ChatGPT. Its latest GPT-4o model is capable of processing inputs faster and more accurately. 

As these models develop further, AI will significantly impact modern education, the workforce, business, and other sectors. 

What is human intelligence?

Human intelligence develops through experience, situations, and abstract concepts. Researchers have argued its meaning for years. Some see human intelligence as the ability to think abstractly, while others feel it’s about learning and responding to questions appropriately. 

Psychologists suppose it’s the ability to adapt to the environment. If you’re comparing AI vs humans, it’s likely that you are aware of the definition. Let’s move beyond fundamentals to understand how AI compares with human intelligence. 

AI vs. humans: An in-depth comparison

AI, in its present state, produces outputs based on what it learns from public data it has access to on the internet. It complements a human’s work, where a professional adds value through personal experience or niche knowledge. 

Here’s how AI compares with humans in various aspects: 

  • Accuracy and precision. AI can perform repetitive tasks with more accuracy. It’s not limited by fatigue. However, under lots of stress, we might make more errors. In such situations, AI automates the repetitive aspect of our work while we add originality. 
  • Learning and adaptability. Humans and AI learn differently. AI relies on training data, algorithms, and quality of inputs. On the other hand, we learn through different ways while constantly adapting to the environment. Although AI learns faster, its learning scope doesn’t cover niche knowledge and experience. 
  • Innovation and creativity. AI can create original things based on patterns it learns. However, true originality is missing. Humans can think outside the box and add more creativity to their work. The combination of AI and humans works best in the creative space where AI becomes a baseline on which a human builds. 
  • Complex decision-making. AI and humans complement each other’s limitations when it comes to complex decision-making. AI analyzes data and makes predictions based on its training data, algorithm, and inputs. Humans then add their experience, moral judgments, and intuition to process insights to arrive at decisions quickly. 
  • Emotional intelligence. Humans can easily empathize with others to inform the context of the next communication, making it easier to build relationships. AI can simulate some aspects of emotional intelligence but can’t understand them; it responds based on the emotions it absorbs from the input, but it might shy away from establishing a relationship. 
  • Physical abilities. Humans can perform various tasks that require motor skills and adaptability. AI can quickly excel at specific tasks but struggles with human-like dexterity and adaptability. 

The above comparison indicates that AI and humans complement each other, giving you an efficient and productive system. 

What do we feel about AI vs. humans? 

There’s enough speculation in the market and insecurities regarding AI taking up jobs. Is it? 

The answer to this is a “yes” and “no”. 

Rather than being diplomatic about it, we feel that “Yes” AI will take over manual and repetitive jobs. But isn’t that already happening for decades, where software consistently introduces new and easier ways to do things?

However, if you find ways to use AI to become a more productive and efficient version of yourself at the workplace, then “No”. AI won’t take up your jobs. Instead, you’ll become a more integral part of the system. Research says that organizations integrating AI are 5 times more likely to make fast, data-driven decisions. 

Overall, there might be some job displacement, with some jobs sinking and others rising. According to researchers, 75 million jobs might be displaced, but 133 million new roles would emerge with AI. 

AI augmenting humans in a workplace

McKinsey found that 45% of activities at work can be automated using AI. 

In your day-to-day, you do several repetitive activities that AI can take over. For instance, taking meeting notes or minutes consumes ample time, primarily if you work in a remote or hybrid work environment. 

AI can automate note-taking, so you won’t have to take down conversations word-for-word; you can simply write down questions or points where you need more context. 

Below are a few ways different teams can use AI at work. 


During sales calls, you need to focus on the conversation rather than taking notes. Communication plays a key role in sales, and the way you manage it makes a difference. It keeps you involved in the meeting, supporting and assisting the prospect in their queries. 

Reelay’s corporate AI meeting assistant automates note-taking for you. It sets a productive meeting culture where AI creates meeting minutes and sends them to relevant participants. The software makes assigning actions to yourself and the team easier, helping you live up to your client's expectations. 

After a call, you need to be able to promptly and thoroughly follow up with your prospects and clients. AI can help you automate those critical follow-up emails with a standardized recap template, which should also help inform your CRM.

An example of Reelay sharing meeting minutes over email

Apart from meetings, there are several other aspects that AI can automate for sales teams, including: 

  • Score leads to identify high-quality leads and prioritize sales efforts. AI tools like Salesforce Einstein can help you with this. 
  • Automate lead generation with Chatsimple’s AI sales agent that addresses complex queries from website visitors and subtly encourages them to share their contact details. 
  • Personalize outreaches using a platform like Outreach that offers AI-driven insights to personalize sales. 
  • Forecast sales using platforms like Clari. It generates insights through AI to forecast deals and pipelines. 


Content creation is a major aspect of marketing roles. Whether it's a blog, graphics, video, social media post, or ad banner, it takes ample time to create it. AI helps marketers with a baseline of this content; professionals can work over it and add originality to make their content stand out. Software like will help you generate quick marketing copies. 

Apart from content creation, AI can help automate: 

  • Segmenting customers based on data with AI tools like Segment. 
  • Automating personalized email campaigns with Marketo. 
  • Social media scheduling and analytics through Sprout Social. 
  • Analyzing customer sentiments and market trends with the help of Crimson Hexagon, acquired by Brandwatch. 


Product teams can use AI to improve design elements and get suggestions for improvements. For example, Autodesk Fusion 360’s AI will help professionals with advanced product design and modeling. At the same time, you can use Qualtrics’ AI to collect and analyze user feedback, improving the product’s UX. 

On the support side, Zendesk’s AI helps categorize support tickets. Applitools and Testim will help you leverage AI to improve quality assurance (QA) and software testing processes if you're someone from an engineering role. 

On the customer support front, AI chatbots will help you automate common and repetitive questions that customers ask. 

Human resources

The people’s team invests ample time in recruitment and resume screening while managing several employee-related activities. AI can help you find resumes that match the job requirements and rank them based on fit. You can check out tools like Pymetrics and Hiretual to automate these processes. 

On the employee management side, Workday offers AI-driven workflows and checklists for onboarding people. At the same time, software like Lattice generates insights through its AI features that help in performance reviews and goal setting. 


Finance teams can leverage planning and analysis tools, such as Adaptive Insights, to forecast financials and budgets accurately. For expense management, Expensify’s AI does a decent job of automating expense reporting, receipt auditing, and approval workflow. 

Tipalti works on the contractor management side and automates invoice processing and approvals processes. 

AI for remote and hybrid humans

Remote and hybrid teams often face hurdles when it comes to communication and collaboration. You might already be using tools like Slack, Microsoft Team, Zoom, or WebEx to connect with your team. However, as these connections increase, you become more distracted. 

Before the pandemic, knowledge workers spent 14.2 hours a week in meetings. This increased to 21.5 hours per week in two years. 

Amid the rise in distracted work, Reelay’s meeting assistant keeps people more involved in meetings. It takes notes for them and holds them accountable through the meeting minutes and “Actions” feature. 

Let AI and humans coexist with Reelay

Reelay helps people follow through with their commitments in discussions, making it easier for remote teams to ensure accountability. Overall, it improves your meeting culture, increases meeting efficiency, and ensures everyone's participation in critical decision-making processes. 

Enter IT-approved corporate AI meeting assistance. Start Reelaying notes of critical discussions. 

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