Customer Stories

Believe it or not, the majority of our customers come from other customers. And Reelay has a way of generating tech evangelists unlike anything we've ever seen. If you've reached us here, we hope you enjoy what you read below, and would love to have the opportunity to help serve you, as we've helped so many others.

Austin Baker

Enterprise Account Executive

Austin's Reelay experience:
I use Reelay every day to recap scoping discussions and make sure SOW scope authors have all the information they need is complete and accurate. I use Reelay every day to join calls I'm not able to join due to double bookings.

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Brandon Brennan

Account Executive

Brandon's Reelay experience:
We scoped a project for a client 8 months ago and created a draft of our proposal for services.  We had a second call 2 months later to review it with the client, they asked us to include services related to Mac Devices.  I made a mistake and forgot to request that to be added to the scope and the client forgot to verify we added it to the proposal before we moved forward to begin the project.  Fast-forward to the project workshop meeting, our consultant identified with the client that Mac devices weren’t included in the scope.  

On the call with the customer, I logged into my Reelay account, found the two meetings we had to scope the project, searched by keyword “Mac Devices”, and instantly was brought to the transcript from the meeting where a discussion about adding this item to the scope of work had been completed.  I invested less than 3 minutes of my time to quickly address this issue with my client, on the phone live. Before Reelay, we “might” have had a recording of the two meetings.  

The meetings were a total of 1.5 hrs of recording.  There “might” have been detailed notes, stored with my architect somewhere on his OneDrive or personal device.  I would have to ask my architect for his time to look for the meetings notes and if he didn’t have the information, we would have then spent 1.5 hours rewatching our meetings to find the information.

The ability to quickly find your historical meetings, and search by keywords has been a game changer for me and my team when looking to accurately scope, manage and close our services projects.

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Kevin Roof

Regional Sales Director

Kevin's Reelay experience:
To me, Reelay is that meeting safety net that allows me to focus on my customer and their needs, goals and problems – instead of worrying about taking the appropriate notes, follow-ups and action items.  It allows me to cover more ground and be more effective at my job which is a great thing. Reelay saves me 5 hours per week on notes and follow-ups.

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Associate Director of IT Program Management

Selina's Reelay experience:
Reelay has helped me/us in many ways. Firstly, it’s allowed me to be in two places at once. I can’t always attend every meeting, especially if they are clashing and being a global company means sometimes, meetings are scheduled out of hours. Having the notetaker attend the meeting and take down all the pertinent points is extremely useful. I can catch up outside the call and still be in the know of everything that has happened/is happening/is to happen.

Secondly, we have a lot of fast-paced projects (both technical and business process) which requires attention to details. Naturally, conversation sometimes moves on quickly and doesn’t give you time to think or capture the notes accurately. The notetaker allows us to go back and fact check and that is invaluable in our line of business.

Thirdly, the Reelay Notetaker captures the correct data points, e.g. high level story, action points and key questions asked. This saves us a lot of administrative time because we can lift the notes and input them wherever we need to.

I’d say it’s saved me between 3-5 hours a week easily. You could x4 that just across my small team.

Thank you, Reelay Team!

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Senior IT Project Manager

Maria's Reelay experience:
It’s really easy to go back to the written transcript and rephrase for an email, especially in technical situations where phrasing/terminology is important. Sometimes I go back to the notes for a refresher on the previous week’s meeting and to know what to talk about this week. Normal Teams recordings are great practical things and trainings but in day-to-day meetings where decisions are made and issues discussed, Reelay is good at highlighting what I need.

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Jorge Urdaneta

Project Manager

Jorge's Reelay experience:
As a technology Project Manager, Reelay has come in handy many times. From the accurate note-taking to the highlights it provides for every meeting, it is helpful having a virtual note taker helping keep track of things while I remain engaged with the clients. The detailed summary is also very helpful in managing large conversations with many stakeholders, all with differing comments and points of view. Reelay keeps them all straight.

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Bart McFadden

President & CEO

Bart's Reelay experience:
Since I began using Reelay at Boys & Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley, it has helped maximize time by attending meetings that did not need my voice, but were simply informative for me. It has allowed me to be more present in meetings where my voice is needed by knowing I do not need to take notes for important points or follow-up items, Reelay is there for me.

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Sean Soth

SVP, Strategy and Global Business Partnerships

Sean's Reelay experience:
In business development, key success factors include effective time management and value delivery.  Reelay helped me improve both.  The summary minutes helped me to give our teams a solid start to follow-up.  Highlighting important pieces of information from our conversation and allowing us to focus on what our customer partners need in the process.  

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Hannah Thiessen Howard

Director of Marketing Communications

Hannah's Reelay experience:
Reelay has begun to streamline the way we take notes during meetings, but more importantly, it provides an emergency backup for us when technology goes awry! A few months ago, the recording of one of our meetings was lost, and Reelay very generously sent along the video file from their platform for us, allowing us to get the recap out to our investors in a timely manner. The support and quick response of the Reelay team is what makes it an exceptional resource, and we only hope to use it more as they roll out new features.

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Zane Hagy

Owner & CEO

Zane's Reelay experience:
Reelay has completely transformed my perspective on virtual meetings!

As the owner of a PR and advertising firm, I interact with multiple companies and decision-makers daily. Virtual meetings and phone calls used to be overwhelming, especially when trying to ensure accurate meeting recaps and keeping everyone aligned. Reelay goes beyond simple transcription by breaking down conversations into an incredibly precise list of questions asked, items discussed, action items, and more.

Thanks to Reelay, I've never been more efficient and in control of my conversations. It's truly the behind-the-scenes magic that keeps everything running smoothly.

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Les Nichols, RA, MSSA, CPP


Les' Reelay experience:
Over the past year, I've served as the recording secretary for the Technical Committee of the Partner Alliance for Safer Schools ( Our committee meets weekly online and includes a wide range of technical specialists from all aspects of the security industry.

Keeping accurate and balanced meeting minutes can be a challenge because our meetings can include 15-20, highly knowledgeable persons, each wanting to offer their opinions and insights on how changes in the security industry are affecting school security. However, in the last four weeks, relying on Reelay has made this task a breeze!

All participants (regardless of how late they join the meeting) are recognized, all comments are tied to the correct participant, and the actual content is summarized in various ways. Further, through the mystery of AI, Reelay also knows how to distinguish between the inevitable, collegial banter that occurs in such groups, from substantive statements for the record. Further, Reelay has allowed me to join the meetings as a full participant and saved me hours afterward editing my notes.

home screenshoot imageLet's Meet